Dicle B. Özdemir

architect, co-founder of do[x]architecture
Dicle B. Özdemir graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU), Deparment of Architecture in 2009. In addition to working at various architectural design firms, she has won awards in both national and invited architectural competitions. She also worked as a part-time instructor of architectural design studio at Sakarya University, between 2017-2019. In 2016, she co-founded do[x]architecture, a firm based in Istanbul specializing in architecture and design. Her primary focus is on museum and exhibition design as well as the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage.
Linkedin: do[x]architecture
Instagram: dox_architecture
Dicle’s Linkedin: dicleb.ozdemir
September is here, finally!! The hot summer is gradually losing its intensity, and a new season filled with art and cultural events is beginning in Istanbul. With ‘back to school’ and the return of summer housers to the city, Istanbul is becoming quite lively in September. The city’s historical context is becoming more prominent as the sun’s effects wane. I am very excited about the exhibitions due to our ongoing museum design project at the Istanbul Archaeology Museums, while thinking a lot about the dialogue between historical buildings and the exhibitions inside them. Here are some of my September highlights.
My first recommendation is about the 1500 year-old building, Basilica Cistern. Bringing together architectural history and the comtemporary sculptors “Yeraltının Kapıları – Geçiş ve Yansıma ile Mekâna Dokunma; Vlastimil Beránek” exhibition presents a dialogue between the the main materials of the building, water and stone, and the crystal sculptures. Main theme of the exhibition is about the perception and reflection in a historical building.
Zeyrek Çinili Hamam Müzesi which was constructed by Mimar Sinan during the Ottoman Empire, combines the traditional ‘Hamam’ culture with the museum visit. The collection of the museum consists of very special blue&white İznik Tiles and the building itself has lots of architectural details.
Don’t miss the last chance to visit the exhibition of Mâzîden Âtîye Zarâfet – Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Son Döneminden Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarına Kadın Kıyâfetleri. Exhibition focuses on the transformation in costume of women from Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic and gas a background relation with the changing role of women in modern life.
My final recommendation is do[x]’s last museum project, Taksim Maksemi Cumhuriyet Müzesi (Republic Museum). The Museum was opened to visit on June 8. The reuse of the old building which was used for al long time to distribute the water to Istanbul at Taksim Square and the content of the exhibition that sheds the last century of the Reoublic wort to see.